
TraFon community encompasses every person who has a direct or indirect relationship with the organization, including employees, partners, customers, consumers, and service suppliers, among others.

nutriendo el futuro

TraFon, as a corporate citizen, is committed
to improving the wellbeing of all its stakeholders.

did you know

According to statistics provided by the Center of Disease Control, the obesity rate in Puerto Rico has increased from 16.8% to 22% between 1996 and 2002.

According to “Agencia Federal de Proteccion Ambiental” Puerto Rico has an energy demand of 8% compared to the worldwide average of 2%.

According to “Atlas Ambiental de Puerto Rico” Puerto Rico exceeds the per capita energy consumption when compared to the majority of the neighboring islands in the Caribbean.

At TraFon we know there are many ways of moving forward but only one way of standing still. We will not stand inertly. We believe in taking action and helping build a better future for all generations. Consequently, we produced a comprehensive Corporate Social Responsibility Program entitled Nutriendo el Futuro, whose purpose is twofold.

One, educate all consumers on the importance of maintaining good nutritional habits, and two, contribute to improving the environment.

To accomplish this task we have developed a long-term agenda that includes the roll out of a series of initiatives that we believe will have a material impact in our community.
First up is Proyecto Lonchera.

As part of our CSR Program, TraFon Nutriendo el Futuro, presents Proyecto Lonchera, an effort carefully crafted for children coursing elementary school.

Proyecto Lonchera, at this initial stage, will focus on promoting a good and balanced nutrition from an early age, through healthy eating, stimulation of physical activity and nutritional counseling, all, in an interactive and fun manner.